I was inthe rabbit hole studying macro-friendly or diet-friendly meal delivery services on the internet recently. This is a huge business nowadays, and I was genuinely interested in the type of meals these companies offered. What I saw was astonishing. Simple food items at a cost (IMHO) to enjoy the simplicity of cooking them by yourself. Therefore, I decided to create a DIY recipe for those who cannot pay the $9-12 meal and receive them. The Salsa Chicken Meal Prep Bowls are easy to prepare, delicious, and adaptable to your preferences.
The meal prep process is simple. Simply choose one protein, an ingredient, a carb (or an additional vegetable), and then include a sauce or fat as you like. In tIn this southwest-inspired recipe, I incorporated chopped chicken in salsa, roasted bell peppers, brown rice, and a scoop of Sour cream. You can alter the quantity of any of the four ingredients to create a meal that fits your macro-nutrient ratio.
I made this dish simple to imitate the food you’d receive from meal delivery services. However, you can make it more elegant should you wish to. Add additional toppings such as fresh jalapeno peppers, pickled red onions, and even tortilla chips. I added a little Sour cream to the topping of my dish. However, you can also add some cheese.
Brown Rice
1 cup of brown rice ($0.60*)
1/2 tsp salt ($0.02)
1.75 cup of water ($0.00)
Salsa Chicken
Two skinless, boneless bird breasts (about 1.3 1 lbs. total) ($5.62)
16 oz. salsa ($1.99)
1/2 cup chicken broth ($0.07)
One teaspoon chili powder** ($0.10)
Roasted Bell Peppers
Three bell peppers ($2.99)
1 Tbsp oil ($0.04)
pinch salt ($0.02)
Two green onions cut ($0.22)
4 Tbsp sour cream ($0.11)
Preheat the oven to 425oF. Brown rice is cooked as per the instructions on the package. (Add the rice, salt, and water into a saucepan covered with a lid, bring to a simmer over high heat, then turn down the temperature to a low simmer for about 35 minutes.)
While the rice cooks while the rice is cooking, start the chicken. Put the chicken breasts into the sauce pot in a medium size together with the salsa, chicken broth, and chili powder. Please give it a quick stir.
Put a lid on the pan and heat it to an unbeatable boil at high temperature. When the liquid begins to boil, reduce the heat to low and allow the chicken to simmer at a low temperature for about 30 minutes. It should always cook, Adjusting the heat a bit when needed.
While the chicken and rice are cooking, make for the preparation of bell peppers. Cut the bell peppers into 1/2-wide strips. Put these on a baking tray and drizzle with cooking oils. Mix the peppers to coat them with oil. Sprinkle on a little salt.
Cook the peppers in the oven preheated for 20-25 minutes or until they’re browned at the edges. Stir every halfway through.
After the chicken has cooked for over 30 mins, you can remove it from the salsa and utilize two forks to cut the chicken. Add the chicken shreds to the salsa in the pot and stir it to mix.
Once the rice is sat down, the chicken is cut into pieces,, and the peppers have been roasting for a while, it’s time to construct the bowls.
Add around 3/4 cup of rice into each container. Followed by 1/4 of the roasted bell peppers and 1/4 cup of chicken shredded. Serve the salsa from the pot onto the chicken shredded inside the container. It will serve as a sauce that will aid in moistening the dish. Sprinkle with chopped green onions and a spoonful of sour cream and serve immediately or chill until four days.